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Indiana athletic trainers' association

ATs Care - Indiana

Committee Co-CoORDINATORs

Karen Holmes

Email Karen

Marianne Goshorn

Email Marianne

ATs Care - Indiana is a Critical Incidence Stress Management (CISM) team provides free stress management interventions to licensed and student athletic trainers and their families. The team provides CISM intervention following the protocols of the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, before, during, and after critical incidents.

Are you interested in joining the ATs Care Team? - Joining The Team

Information and Resources

Post-incident Self Care Guidelines

This is information on how to handle a critical incident during that "in-between time" after the incident and before the ATs Care team intervention.


NATA ATs Care Contact Form

If you or someone you know responds to an emergency or experiences a traumatic event, please fill out the ATs Care Contact Form by using the link below. Our teams have been trained to help you deal with these challenging situations.


If you would prefer to call the ATs Care Hotline, please dial 972-532-8821 or reach us by email at atscare@nata.org

Indiana athletic trainers' association

Call Us
Office: (317) 643-3887

125 West Market Street
Suite 300
Indianapolis, IN 46204

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