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Indiana athletic trainers' association

IATA Athletic Director of the Year

The Indiana Athletic Trainers Association will be awarding an Indiana high school athletic director with the "Outstanding Athletic Director of the Year Award". The award will go to a high school athletic director who has shown professional support to athletic training in an exceptional and inspiring way.

2023Paul Heidenreich
2022Gary Rhew
2021 Ryan Harrington
2020 Marques Clayton
2019 John Walls
2018 No Award
2017 Brock Touloukian
2016 Mark Hofer
2015 Danny Wilson
2014 J.R. Holmes
2013 Dave Harms and John Friend
2011 Steve Stocker
2010  Connie Ault 
2009  Bernie Meyer 
2008 Mark Peterson
2007 Kathy Cox
2006 Noel Hemminger
2005 Tim Slauter
2004 John Broughton
2003 Priscilla Dillow

Indiana athletic trainers' association

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Office: (317) 643-3887

125 West Market Street
Suite 300
Indianapolis, IN 46204

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