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Indiana athletic trainers' association


Helpful Resources

IATA CECAT RepresEntatives:

Abigail Pitts

Lindsey Krippel

National Athletic Trainers’ Association Position Statements

As students engage in clinical experience and prepare for the board of certification exam, the NATA’s position statements are an essential tool to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of our patients. These comprehensive, evidence-based research items are supported by experts in our field, and have been accepted by organizations such as NFHS, NCAA, and other governing entities.

Searching for Quality Research Articles

In the age of internet access at the tips of our fingers, quality research can get lost in the shuffle. Athletic trainers are allied health care professionals who require evidence-based, peer-reviewed research in order to advance the profession and provide the best available care to those we serve. Resources such as Purdue Library have a public page dedicated to helping students know the difference between satisfactory and unsatisfactory articles.

National Provider Identifier (NPI) Number

Please see the NATA’s page on obtaining an NPI number. Obtaining an NPI helps to distinguish athletic trainers as medical professionals and allows for third-party billing opportunities.

Board of Certification for Athletic Trainers

Currently, 49 states and the District of Columbia regulate the practice of athletic training. Individuals must be legally recognized by the appropriate state regulatory agency prior to practicing athletic training. The BOC exam is recognized by all Athletic Trainer state regulatory agencies to meet their exam requirement. Compliance with state regulatory requirements is mandatory and the only avenue to legal athletic training practice. Visit the site

Indiana athletic trainers' association

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Suite 300
Indianapolis, IN 46204

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