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Indiana athletic trainers' association

Creating Value and Finding Opportunity in an Evolving Health Care Paradigm (1 CEU)

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Athletic trainers in all work settings tend to lack the knowledge of how to properly show their value and worth. Athletic trainers need to start collecting data and properly documenting it to show value-based healthcare. This presentation will help athletic trainers gain knowledge to increase the recognition and value of the profession of athletic training both in the healthcare and public health sectors. Kathy I Dieringer EdD, LAT, ATC Objectives:1.Demonstrate how ATs can better demonstrate their value2.Explain specific tools to assist the AT with creating opportunity 3.Define and describe ROI4.Explain how the value of an AT will continue to rise 5.Discuss how ATs can embrace change and contribute to profession advancement6.Describe opportunities presented to the profession as a results of COVID-19 1 CEU

Indiana athletic trainers' association

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