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Indiana athletic trainers' association

Professional Excellence in Athletic Training Award Criteria

In 2015 the name changed from the Athletic Trainer of the Year Award to Professional Excellence in Athletic Training.

In the event that no nomination is received or the Awards Committee rejects all nominee/s, the Executive Council is then responsible for putting forth a nomination.

Nomination Process

The following must be completed in order to be considered for an award:

  1. The nomination form and all required materials must be completed and submitted by the deadline of March 20.
  2. A curriculum vitae/resume MUST be submitted before a nominee is presented to the full Awards Committee.
  3. Letter(s) of support strongly recommended.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Only Indiana state licensed Athletic Trainers may receive this award.
  2. The nominee must have worked a minimum of five (5) years in Indiana.
  3. The nominee has IATA membership.
  4. The nominee should be active in advancing the profession of athletic training and sports medicine (i.e., education, research, speaking, writing, etc.).
  5. The nominee must be a well-respected member of their community (i.e., volunteer, civic organizations, church, and/or school).
  6. The nominee should make contributions/support the profession of athletic training.
  7. The nominee should make contributions to healthcare in Indiana.

Selection Process

  1. The Honors and Awards Committee shall make a recommendation of up to 3 nominees to the IATA Executive Council.
  2. In the event that no nomination is received, the Awards Committee rejects all nominee/s, or the Executive Council rejects the nominee/s, the Awards Committee is then responsible for nominating and recommending a candidate to the Executive Council.
  3. Non-selected nominees will be considered one additional year following the initial nomination.

Election Process

  1. The Executive Council officially selects the recipients of the Professional Excellence Award.
  2. The Election results are publicly announced at the IATA awards presentation.

Indiana athletic trainers' association

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