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Indiana athletic trainers' association


William “Pinky” Newell - 1990

1920 - 1984

Purdue University

William “Pinky” Newell was Purdue University’s head athletic trainer and assistant professor in Physical Education teaching athletic training classes from 1949-76.

Acknowledged as the Father of NATA, he was Executive Secretary for more than a decade, and many subsequent leaders credited him for their success. A former football player for the Boilermakers and 1947 graduate, Pinky earned the nickname “Pinky” while playing for Purdue. One of Pinky’s teammates was a big tackle who played next to Pinky on defense. He also had red hair and was called Pinky. There was Big Pink and Little Pink. Newell was Little Pink. Pinky served as an athletic trainer at the 1976 and 1980 Olympics and coordinated all athletic training coverage for the 1984 Olympics.

He is a NATA Hall of Fame member (1972).

Indiana athletic trainers' association

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